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Music at Hillcrest PDS

At Hillcrest PDS, students are involved in active music-making through singing, moving, and instrument playing. Music classes are 45 minutes and students attend every third school day. Students also learn to read, write, and reproduce rhythmic and melodic patterns, as well as listen and analyze musical compositions by a variety of  composers.  Emphasis is placed on finding joy and expressing identity in music-making, both as individuals and as an ensemble.  Throughout the year, students have opportunities to attend a variety of music performances such as jazz, orchestra, choir, opera and musical theater performances. 

As a Fine Arts Magnet campus, the opportunity to learn and grow as a performer is a high priority.  All students prepare two performances during the school year.  Each grade level performs at a short music program for their families and the school community.  Programs are learned during music classes and are often based on a work of literature, a seasonal theme or a published musical. All Hillcrest students prepare and are invited to perform at the All-School Winter Holiday music program.  This annual event allows the entire school community to gather and celebrate the winter holidays with the sounds and sights of children’s voices and joyous faces.

Students’ experience in music class culminates in a fourth- and fifth-grade extracurricular club known as Showtime Company. For over twenty-five years, Showtime has been a key Fine Arts opportunity at HPDS to allow students the opportunity to perform a musical.  The company is open to any fourth and fifth grade student  who commits to six months of weekday and Saturday rehearsals to learn and perform a professional written musical.  The theater company encourages leadership and learning through the arts.  Students learn theater vocabulary, the importance of working with others, and self-confidence.